Jaworski, Zbigniew2022-07-252022-07-252006Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2006, nr 1, s. 95-117.1731-0555http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/143Martyrdom for faith, in odium fidei, to be acknowledged by the Holy See, requires irrefutable arguments, including documents, expert opinions as well as witness testimonies. The strength of the witness testimonies depends on many factors, particularly whether the witness testifies out of his own personal experience scientiapropria or his knowledge is based on hearsay de auditu ab aliis. In a joint beatification process of 108 martyrs there was also Blessed Władysław MIEGOŃ, chaplain to the army. There were six witnesses in his process, history commission was consulted, and a number of military and Church documents were collected. This paper shows life story of the blessed officer and priest, the process timeline, includes valuable, unpublished materials, particularly witness testimonies - both eye witness and indirect and other proof in this master. Author of this paper was the postulator for the beatification cause, nominated by the field bishop, acts as a promoter of the cult and spirituality of the Blessed Władysław the Martyr, who was murdered in KL Dachau on 15.10.1942. Author of this paper was the postulator for the beatification cause, nominated by the field bishop, acts as a promoter of the cult and spirituality of the Blessed Władysław the Martyr, who was murdered in KL Dachau on 15.10.1942.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/beatyfikacjaproces beatyfikacyjnymęczeństwomęczennicybiografiaWładysław Miegońkapłaniduchowieństwoprawo kanoniczneśmierćświadekdowódprocesbiographymartyrsmartyrologymartyrdompriesthoodcanon lawdeathwitnessevidencebeatificationwiarafaithbeatification processII wojna światowaWorld War IIDowody w procesie beatyfikacyjnym męczennika za wiarę ks. Władysława Miegonia (1892-1942)Article