Głód, Franciszek2024-10-142024-10-142008Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2008, R. 16, Nr 1, s. 105-130.1231-1731https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/21789Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translation of summary: Paul Bulas.The following study was undertaken after an intensive pastoral preparation of engaged couples to receive the Sacrament of Marriage. Besides examining the couple’s religious life – the main reason for the study – the goal was to expose the manner in which the couple’s views and religious practices actually changed during their preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Marriage. During the first sessions, the couples would often appear as if forced to attend. With time they began to get more involved in the process, until at the end they expressed gratitude for all they had heard and experienced. The study revealed that, by and large, the engaged couples were in agreement with the basic tenets of the Catholic faith. The frequency and depth of their worship also improved over time. They also experienced an enlivened aptitude for entering into dialogue on religious topics with each other and with others.plCC-BY-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkachżycie religijnereligijnośćmałżeństwonarzeczeństwonarzeczeniprzygotowanie do małżeństwawiarapraktyki religijnebadaniaobraz Bogakształtowanie wiarymodlitwaMsza świętaodejście od Bogareligious lifereligiousnessmarriageengagementnupturientspreparation for marriagefaithreligious practicesresearchimage of Godfaith formationprayerMassdeparture from GodŻycie religijne narzeczonych po bezpośrednim przygotowaniu do małżeństwaReligious Life of Nupturients after their Preparation for the Sacrament of MarriageArticle