Robek, Edmund2024-01-252024-01-252007Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 6, s. 301-315.1233-1457ścił / Summarised by Author.There is a natural and organic bond between the pastoral ministry and the apostolate. The pastoral ministry can function without apostolate and – on the other hand – if there is no pastoral ministry the apostolate can exist, however the latter separation weakens both activities. These two activities are closely related and have the same source: both arise from Christ’s priesthood, mature in the same ecclesiastical environment, connect and involve members of the Christian community. Of course, the pastoral ministry and the apostolate can choose a different approach for their life style. The main question is how to maintain and support such a special bond existing behem, so that they could create the two-poles integrated ecclesiastical activity. The coexistence and welcoming collaboration between pastoral ministry and apostolate decisively influence the imaging quality of the parish community and determine a success in every Church’s task; it should lead also to a universal responsibility for the evangelisation. The priests and the apostles need a “place” for their activity. It is a parish community in which a pastoral mission connects with an apostolic responsibility within the Church. The parish is an ordinary place to generate new vocations to the priesthood which require a communitarian feeling to grow.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandółpracanauczanie Jana Pawła IInauczanie papieskieodnowa parafiiodnowaapostolstwo parafialneodnowa duszpasterstwaodnowa apostolstwa parafialnegoparafieteologiateologia pastoralnaministryapostolatecooperationJohn Paul II's teachingPope's teachingpastoral ministrycollaborationparish renewalrenewalparish apostolatepastoral renewalrenewal of parish apostolateparishestheologypastoral theologyJan Paweł IIJohn Paul IIKarol WojtyłapopespapieżeOdnowa duszpasterstwa i apostolstwa parafialnego w nauczaniu Jana Pawła IIThe Renewal of Pastoral Care and Apostolate in Parishes According to the Teaching of John Paul IIArticle