Kostrzewski, Paweł2023-04-212023-04-212019Veritati et Caritati, 2019, T. 12, s. 315-359.978-83-64487-15-62354-0311http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/6461The article discuss the political-social issues in sermons of auxiliary bishop of Częstochowa diocese Franciszek Musiel. In his preachy service he explained not only the truths of the faith but also he showed current political-social issues in the light of Gospel. There are the issues of rights to proclamation of faith, sacral building, religious education of children and youths. The bishop protected the dignity of women, unborn children and elderly people. There were references to strictly economic, natural environment protection and international politics in his sermons. The communistic authorities included bishop Musiel in the list of enemies of People’s Republic of Poland and took a lot of actions in order to weaken his authority and the importance of his public speeches.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/biskupikapłaniduchowieństwoFranciszek Musieldiecezjediecezja częstochowskaproblematyka polityczno-społecznakazaniakaznodziejstwobishopsclergypriesthooddiocesesCzęstochowa diocesepolitical-social issuessermonspreachingProblematyka polityczno-społeczna w kazaniach bp. Franciszka Musiela w latach 1966-1992Political-Social Issues in Sermons of Bishop Franciszek Musiel in 1966-1992Article