Rusecki, Marian2023-09-262023-09-262003Roczniki Teologiczne, 2003, T. 50, z. 9, s. 5-13.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.In recognizing revelation, the author takes into consideration the relative-historical role of the Revelator, that is the Tradition of the Church, its life, salvational influence on man’s transformation, his sanctification, blessed results in culture, making history sensible, for Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (cf. Hbr 13, 8). In recognizing Divine Revelation in Jesus, three basic epistemic activities play a basic role: seeing, hearing, experience, and they imply one another. To see, e.g. historical, Jesus does not mean to see and grasp His Divinity. This is only to perceive His humanity, that is one element of the sign. This must be an enlightening perception together with the grace, for a physical perception is insufficient to perceive the Son of God in Jesus. In this sense Jesus says: “blessed are those who have not seen but have believed” It is analogical with hearing: one may have ears but may not hear. The experience of the Person of Revelator is to meet Him in faith, to experience His presence, kindness, friendship, and transforming care. In its biblical sense, knowledge means that one enters a contact, establishes ties with the person that one is coming to know. Recognition of Revelation in Christ ultimately denotes not a purely intellectual activity, but coming ever closer to Jesus Christ. This process deals not only with the recognition in the historical person of Jesus Christ, but it is well under way in the Church and through the Church in history.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Chrystusteologiateologia fundamentalnafakt ObjawieniaObjawienie Bożeuzasadnianie wiarygodności Objawieniarozpoznawanie Objawienia BożegorevelationJesus Christtheologyfundamental theologyfact of Revelationrecognition of Revelationjustification of the credibility of RevelationGod's revelationRozpoznanie Objawienia Bożego (cz. II). Rozpoznanie objawienia w Jezusie ChrystusieRecognition of Divine Revelation (part two). Recognition of Revelation in Jesus ChristArticle