Zieja, Paweł2024-11-252024-11-252019Studia Ełckie, 2019, T. 21, nr 2, s. 259-271.1896-68962353-1274https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/24241The eternal life begins on earth, and the definitive resolution of the eternal state of man will take place on the judgment. Catholic Church teaches that every man after death goes to the judgment of God. People choose heaven or hell with their deeds. During the Last Judgment, God accepts this choice forever. Hell is not a punishment of God, but a conscious choice of man. Whoever rejects God and good deeds all his life, chooses hell. The one who remains in the state of hell is closed to God. He is extremely unhappy. Hell is an eternal separation from God who is the source of all sense. The greatest punishment of hell is the impossibility of being with God. Eternal life without God who is the greatest love becomes unimaginable suffering. God wants the salvation of all people, but a man with free will may reject Godʼs offer.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychhelleternal lifeBibleCatholic Churchpiekłożycie wieczneBibliaKościół katolickiMagisterium KościołaPismo ŚwiętePiekło według Biblii i nauczania Kościoła katolickiegoHell according to the Bible and the Teaching of the Catholic ChurchArticle