Kieniewicz, Piotr H.2023-10-112023-10-112004Roczniki Teologiczne, 2004, T. 51, z. 3, s. 139-148.1233-1457ścił / Summarized by Piotr H. Kieniewicz MIC.The rapid development of new bio-techniques and procedures in modem medicine bring forward new problems, among which is the legal aspect of human actions. As the law is to protect human life and well-being, it is not meaningless, haw we define the life, and whom we decide to protect. Therefore the ethical dimension of new regulations in bioethics shape the directions of the further development of the law itself and henceforward the science and the humankind as well. The European law in this matter seems to serve more and more the strong and powerful, weakening the protection of those, who are the most vulnerable. It seems also, that the Polish law goes along as well.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland lekarskaprawo europejskieprawoambiwalencjaambiwalencja etycznaetykamoralnośćprawa człowiekamedycynabioethicsmedical ethicsEuropean lawlawambivalenceethical ambivalenceethicsmoralityhuman rightsmedicineEtyczna ambiwalencja europejskiego prawa w bioetyceThe Ethical Ambivalence of the European Law in BioethicsArticle