Pabjan, Tadeusz2024-05-062024-05-062010Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2009, T. 28, cz. 2, s. 93-104.0239-4472 of the most popular ontological stands is dualism, which claims that the whole reality is composed of two different elements: matter and spirit. However, this conception is not able to explain, in which way matter and spirit interact with each other. John C. Polkinghome, a British physicist and theologian, for a long time worked on this problem, and found out that the correct solution of this difficulty is the so called dual-aspect monism. According to this idea, there is only one underlying reality, and both matter and spirit are its different aspects. This paper presents some characteristics of this doctrine.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandść ontologicznaduszamonizmmonizm dwuaspektowyfilozofia dualizmufilozofia dualistycznaontologymetaphysicsbeingdualismphilosophyontological opennesssoulmonismtwo-aspect monismphilosophy of dualismdualistic philosophymetafizyka umysłumetafizyka materiimateriaumysłmetafizyka komplementarnakomplementarna metafizyka umysłukomplementarna metafizyka materiimetaphysics of mindmetaphysics of mattermattermindcomplementary metaphysicscomplementary metaphysics of mindcomplementary metaphysics of matterJohn Charlton PolkinghorneKomplementarna metafizyka umysłu i materii według Johna C. Polkinghorne’aJohn C. Polkinghorne on the Complementary Metaphysics of Mind and MatterArticle