Nowosad, Sławomir2023-10-112023-10-112004Roczniki Teologiczne, 2004, T. 51, z. 3, s. 199-219.1233-1457ścił / Summarized by Sławomir Nowosad.This (second) part of a longer study on Anglican spirituality refers to its beginnings in the Reformation age. First it presents major characteristic features of the spirituality of the Reformers – Luther, Calvin and Zwingli. Then it goes to the premises of the English Reformation which shaped Anglican piety of the time. Both the English translation of the Bible (King James Bible) and The Book of Common Prayer laid the foundations of Anglican spirituality. The paper then outlines main aspects of understanding of the Christian spirituality in Richard Hooker and in the leading authors of Caroline theology, both Catholic and Puritan.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandśćduchowość anglikańskateologia duchowościhistoria duchowościhistoria duchowości anglikańskiejprotestantyzmteologiaAnglicanismpuritanismspiritualityAnglican spiritualitytheology of spiritualityhistory of spiritualityhistoriahistoryhistory of Anglican spiritualityProtestantismtheologyZarys dziejów duchowości anglikańskiej (II)A Historical Outline of Anglican Spirituality (II)Article