Budziarek, Marek2023-12-182023-12-181988Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1988, T. 35, z. 4, s. 77-100.0035-7723http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/12065Tłumaczenie streszczenia Adam Pasieki.The Capuchin religious community in Lublin was from 1724 a uniform and fairly tightly closed social group governed by its own rules, developing its own hierarchies and exhibiting its own network of interactions. The community had its own form of organization regulated by the Rule of the Order and by instructions from the general and provincial authorities. Every member of the religious family had duties assigned to him by his superiors and thereby wielded a degree of authority appropriate to his position. This led to the formation of a ladder of dependencies and responsibilities and of a unique system of interpersonal relations, with fathers and brothers mutually interacting and also having an effect on those around them. The structure was completely destroyed by the occupying Russians in 1864, when the Lublin Capuchin house was classified among the so-called closed convents.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/historiahistoryXVIII w.XIX w.LublinkapucyniCapuchinszakonnicyfriarszakonyordershierarchiahierarchywspólnotacommunitygwardianguardianwikarycurate-in-chargedyskretkaznodziejepreachersspowiednicyconfessorsbracia laicylay brothersklerycyclericsrelacjerelationshipssocjologiasociologyhierarchiczna struktura wspólnoty kapucyńskiejsocjologiczna struktura wspólnoty kapucyńskiejhierarchical structure of the Capuchin communitysociological structure of the Capuchin communityHierarchiczna i socjologiczna struktura wspólnoty kapucyńskiej w Lublinie w XVIII i XIX wiekuThe hierarchic and social structure of the Lublin Capuchin community in the 18th and 19th centuriesArticle