Broński, Włodzimierz2023-07-102023-07-102000Roczniki Teologiczne, 2000, T. 47, z. 6, s. 59-74.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.The subject or the present study is the reception of the Holy Bible as a source of Sunday homilies for adults published in the „Biblioteka Kaznodziejska” and the „Współczesna Ambona” The posed problem was solved by presenting the Church’s directions concerning the issue and then showing how the directions are practically used in the 405 homilies for adults in the „Biblioteka Kaznodziejska” and in the 219 homilies in the „Współczesna Ambona” Because of the considerably long period of time in which the homilies were published and of their great number the source material had been chosen at random, respecting the requirements of sociological studies. Then, on the basis of analysis of the source material assessment was made of reception of the Holy Bible as the source of homilies and then homiletic postulates were formulated.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland ŚwięteBibliahomiliakazanianiedzieladorośliBiblioteka KaznodziejskaWspółczesna AmbonaPreacher’s LibraryContemporary PulpitBiblehomilysermonsSundayadultsRecepcja Pisma św. jako źródła homilii w kazaniach niedzielnych dla dorosłych „Biblioteki Kaznodziejskiej” i „Współczesnej Ambony”Reception of the Holy Bible as the source for sunday homilies for adults in the „Biblioteka Kaznodziejska” („Preacher’s Library”) and the „Współczesna Ambona” („Contemporary Pulpit”)Article