Irek, Waldemar2024-09-302024-09-302007Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2007, R. 15, Nr 1, s. 25-44.1231-1731 reflection over the thought of Benedict XVI concerning comprehending social love the author is drawing the historical background of the evolution of this date in public teaching the Church in the course of the last decades. For the successor to John Paul II because the thought isn’t taken away from roots planted by his predecessors. Encyclical Deus caritas est, as different statements also accompanying it they are developing Benedict XVI and they are supplementing the adopted already earlier notion updating to the time. It is an aim of both social life and social love and achieving the common wealth. The justice has it to itself that he is carrying certain order into relations of members of the community, often even impelling them under duress to accomplish the purpose together presented with them. However love is left presented as integral tendency to the social life. Capturing the common wealth is demanding the principle of the justice above all, however the virtue of love is starting only there where alone not enough. The thought of Benedict XVI concerning on „social love” still is developing the justice oneself and is evolving showing new plains and possibilities of being active of the Church as well as the assembled company in it secular.plCC-BY-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkachmiłośćmiłość społecznaBenedykt XVIJoseph Ratzingerpapieżenauczanie papieskieżycie społecznemiłość bliźniegocaritas socialisKościółnauczanie społeczne Kościołaspołeczeństwopaństwodokumenty Kościołalovesocial lovesocial charityBenedict XVIpopesPope's teachingsocial lifelove of neighbourChurchChurch's social teachingsocietystateChurch documentsBenedykt XVI o miłości społecznej. Miłość społeczna – geneza i definicja pojęciaBenedict XVI about social love. Social love – the genesis and the definition of the notionArticle