Matwiejuk, Kazimierz2023-09-122023-09-122003Roczniki Teologiczne, 2003, T. 50, z. 6, s. 205-230.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.The paper is about the pastoral care of the 2nd Polish Plenary Synod on the ministry of the holy sacraments. The sacraments are tokens of Christ in His salvation and activity. They are the source and climax of the activity of the People of God. The Synod, reminding of the teaching of Vatican Council II in this area, perceives much good that has been brought forth by the process of the renewal of the liturgical life. It also makes notice of pastoral inconsistencies in the ministry of the holy sacraments. By making priests aware of this problem, it encourages, above all, to a patient and permanent catechization of the faithful. At the same time, it recommends overcoming the danger of routine, haste, lack of proper concentration and the temptation to freely mould the rites of the holy sacraments. Faithfulness to liturgical books in administering the sacraments, deepened by the pastoral awareness of priests and enlivened by the ecclesial awareness of lay Catholics, are the proper and effective way to build the Church. This is done first of all through sacramental ministry and sacramental life.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Polski Synod Plenarnysakramentymisteriumtajemnicainicjacjauświęcenietroskatroska pastoralnateologiateologia pastoralnasynodySecond Polish Plenary Synodsacramentsmysteryinitiationsanctificationcarepastoral careduszpasterstwoministrytheologypastoral theologysynodsPastoralna troska II Polskiego Synodu Plenarnego o sprawowanie sakramentów świętychPastoral Care at the 2nd Polish Plenary Synod about the Ministry of the Holy SacramentsArticle