Godawa, Grzegorz2023-04-122023-04-122014The Person and the Challenges, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 1, p. 175-186.2083-8018http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/5920The problem of loneliness has become more and more common in society. It affects the family which is a place of physical and spiritual closeness. A child’s isolation in the family is related to many factors. It may be caused by the parents’ emotional indifference or the child’s serious illness. The disturbances may be painful for the child who often cannot fight the sense of isolation. Attempts to counteract the sense of loneliness are connected with pedagogical action. It should be based on permanent values which extend the scope of support offered to the family. Strengthening the family system makes it possible to overcome the child’s sense of loneliness.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/lonelinesschildrenparentsfamilysupportillnesspedagogysocietyclosenessisolationintimacysamotnośćdziecirodzicerodzinawsparciechorobapedagogikaspołeczeństwobliskośćzażyłośćizolacjaA child’s loneliness in the family as a challenge for modern pedagogyArticle