Forte, Bruno2024-02-012024-02-012008Roczniki Teologiczne, 2008, T. 55, z. 2, s. 61-75.1233-1457ł tłumaczył ks. Franciszek Nieckarz. Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.The author undertakes a reflection on the pivotal role of God’s Word in the mission of the Church. He shows the Church as a community transmitting and interpreting God’s Word that at the same time is its summary and its home. God’s Word announces the Good News for all who are plunged in the loneliness of their existence, to which they are doomed by the postmodernist ideology of individualism. Accepting God’s Word in the obedience to faith opens man to the Mystery as well as to other people. In this way it makes him a disciple of Christ, who after the model of Mary, the listening Virgin and the Mother of the Word, accepts God’s will and realizes it.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandłowo BożeKościółlectio divinapostmodernizmduszpasterstwosynodybiskupimisjamisja Kościołażycie KościołateologiaWord of GodChurchpostmodernismministrysynodsbishopsmissionmission of the ChurchChurch lifetheologySłowo Boże w życiu i misji Kościoła. Ku synodowi biskupów 2008God’s Word in the Life and Mission of the Church. Around the 2008 Synod of BishopsArticle