Zając, Paweł2024-02-082024-02-082011Roczniki Historii Kościoła, 2011, T. 3(58), s. 148-170.2080-8526 tłumaczenia streszczenia / Summary translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.The article sums up the achievements of the historical circle of Polish Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate during the last century. It indicates the foundations of the Oblate historiography, which include the most important archival collections both in Poland and abroad, as well as studies by the most important Polish Oblate historians. Both achievements of historians-professionals and historians-amateurs are discussed. Several thematic aspects of the Oblate historiography are pointed to: basic syntheses, hagiographic and biographic works, studies on the work of Polish Oblates abroad. Also the main directions of further studies and their significance for the Church historiography in Poland are briefly discussed.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Oblaci Maryi NiepokalanejoblacihistoriografiaPoloniamisjeJózef Pielorzhistoriahistoria KościołaKościółzgromadzenia zakonnezakonymisjonarzebadania historyczneMissionary Oblates of Mary ImmaculateOblateshistoriographyPolish community abroadmissionshistoryChurch historyChurchreligious congregationsordersmissionarieshistorical researchBadania historyczne w polskim środowisku Misjonarzy Oblatów Maryi NiepokalanejHistorical Research in the Polish Circle of Missionary Oblates of Mary ImmaculateArticle