Tokarzewski, Michał2024-12-042024-12-042023Studia Ełckie, 2023, T. 25, nr 4, s. 543-556.1896-68962353-1274 article presents an analysis of the youth formation method in light of the guidelines of the Pastoral da Juventude do Brasil (Youth Pastoral of Brazil – PJ), that is, its pedagogical approach. Drawing from a review of documents and written materials produced by the pastoral, Church documents, and specialized literature on youth pastoral themes, this article provides a summary of the formative processes adopted by this organization and presents its historical context. The text analyzes the model of the youth that PJ aims to develop, considering the content, social representations, and methods employed in this comprehensive formation. This model is referred to by the PJ as a “protagonist”, representing a young person with characteristics of a modern individual but with the potential to develop within the movement and collectively. The PJ seeks to foster skills such as leadership, communication, teamwork, and organization. Additionally, young people are encouraged to participate in activities that promote inter-religious and intercultural dialogue.otherCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychformation processpastoral of the youth of BrazilCatholic Churchyouthsee-judge-act methodprocesso de formaçãopastoral da juventude do BrasilIgreja católicajovemmétodo ver-julgar-agirproces formacyjnyduszpasterstwo młodzieży w BrazyliiKościół katolickimłodzieżmetoda zobacz-sądź-działajduszpasterstwo młodzieżyyouth pastoral careduszpasterstwoministryBrazyliaBrazilFormação da Juventude à luz das Diretrizes da Pastoral da Juventude do BrasilYouth Formation in Light of the Guidelines of the Youth Ministry in BrazilArticle