Brzemia-Bonarek, Aleksandra2023-04-172023-04-172018The Person and the Challenges, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 111-120.2083-8018ł w języku włoskim.In Poland, in the last 25 years, theologians, lawyers, sociologist and psychologists have discussed significant changes in the field of marriage and family. The political transformations caused not only economic development, but also cultural transformation and globalization of social phenomena. Among such issues there is the problem of the emigration of young polish citizens. Apart from the positive economic and cultural aspects of working abroad, some negative influence on the strength and unity of the families has been observed. In the article effort was made to examine the impact of labor migration on the reorientation of the general family in the light of matrimonial nullity processes, where the emigrant was involved as the Petitioner or the Respondent party. The author`s conclusion is that it is the last chance to create and put into practice, as soon as possible, the modern and interdisciplinary program of pastoral care directed to the families of the migrants, especially the new generation.itAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland migration of young Poleslabor migrationmigrationPolesmarriagesociology of familysociologyfamilyRoman Catholic faithfulCatholicsfaithfulpastoral care of emigrantspastoral careministrymatrimonial nullity processescanon lawnullification of a marriagemigracja zarobkowa młodych Polakówmigracja zarobkowamigracjaPolacymałżeństwosocjologia rodzinysocjologiarodzinawierni rzymskokatoliccykatolicywierniduszpasterstwo emigrantówopieka duszpasterskaduszpasterstwoprocesy o nieważność małżeństwaprawo kanoniczneunieważnienie małżeństwamigrazione per lavoropolacchimatrimoniosociologia della famigliafedeli cattolicicattolicicura pastorale degli emigrantiprocessi di nullità matrimonialediritto canoniconullità del matrimonioeconomic migrationEmigrazione economica dei giovani polacchi come fattore significativo di sfide all’interno del matrimonio e della famiglia nella perspettiva canonisticaEconomic emigration of young Poles as a significant factor of challenges within marriage and family – a canon law perspectiveArticle