Stec, Tomasz2022-10-222022-10-222015Premislia Christiana, 2014-2015, T. 16, s. 315-326.0867-308 purpose of writing the article was to present the problems associated with in vitro. The author presents the conceiving as an act dependent on God in which man should not interfere. Presents the arguments of proponents of in vitro fertilization, which supporters use to push the legal recognition of this method. Then thè counter-arguments are presented that the Christian can use the discussion. Presenting of these arguments is the main objective of this paper. The article is a collection of arguments, which should be guided by both the believer and God rejecting the morał evaluation of IVF. Each of these arguments in the future could be developed separately from the purely theological. When in vitro fertilization in the media portrayed as the golden treatment for infertility, the need for such arguments to open people’s eyes to the scale of the problem that this method brings. The problem is that many people seems to be deaf to these arguments, or they think that this problem only applies to believers, and yet it is often of killing and experiments on children at the embryonic stage. Unfortunately, many people in the embryo does not see a man yet.plAttribution 3.0 Poland systematycznaetykamoralnośćbioetykaNaProTechnologiachrześcijaństwożycieMagisterium KościołaKościółKatechizm Kościoła Katolickiegokatechizmydokumenty Kościołapłodnośćmałżeństwopotomstwodziecisakramentyencyklikadokumenty KościołaEvangelium vitaeVeritatis splendorJan Paweł IIKarol WojtyłapapieżekapłaniduchowieństwoPaweł VIsobór watykański IIsobórgenetykabiologiatheologysystematic theologyethicsmoralitybioethicsNaProTechnologyChristianitylifeChurchCatechism of the Catholic ChurchcatechismsmarriagechildrensacramentsencyclicJohn Paul IIpopespriesthoodclergyPaul VIVatican IISecond Vatican Councilcouncilgeneticsbiologyin vitroin vitro fertilisationinfertilityarguments for and against in vitromoral evaluation IVFchrześcijanieChristiansfertilityoffspringbezpłodnośćmoralna ocena in vitroargumenty za i przeciw in vitroargumentyargumentsArgumenty, które chrześcijanin może użyć w dyskusji o IVFArguments which Christians can use in discussions about IVFArticle