Hułyk, Marek2023-01-092023-01-092007Polonia Sacra, 2007, R. 11 (29), Nr 21 (65), s. 71-82.1428-5673 Mączyński was a priest in the Riga diocese. In the 1960s he undertook pastoral work in Ukraine. The parishes in which he worked formally belonged to the Przemyśl diocese (Sambor and Mościska) and to the Lviv archdiocese (St. Anthony's parish in Lviv). In 1946 the Lviv archdiocese was without a bishop. The parishes that belonged to the diocese of Przemyśl were in the territory of the Soviet Union, and so, although formally part of this diocese, the bishop – separated by the border – could not officially perform his pastoral duties. For many the story of priest Kazimierz Mączyński may not be unusual. He was, after all, one of many priests. And yet, those who knew him still vividly remember his work. And because his life and work are connected with the Lviv diocese, it is important to mention him here.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Mączyńskikapłaniduchowieństwobiografiadiecezjearchidiecezjediecezja ryskadiecezja przemyskaarchidiecezja lwowskaduszpasterstwoUkrainahistoria KościołakazaniakatechezakościołySamborclergypriesthoodbiographydiocesesarchdiocesesministryUkraineChurch historysermonscatechesischurchesPraca duszpasterska ks. Kazimierza Mączyńskiego w parafii w SamborzePastoral Work of Priest Kazimierz Mączyński in Sambor ParishArticle