Mastej, Jacenty2023-07-142023-07-142000Roczniki Teologiczne, 2000, T. 47, z. 9, s. 105-121.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.The paper sought to show the ecclesial character of the act of Christian faith and its personalizing meaning. First, the issue of the personal being of the Church has been discussed, then the problem of the faith of the Church and, eventually, the personalizing meaning of faith has been shown. Christian faith is an ecclesial reality. In Christianity the individual dimension of faith is penetrated and complemented by its communal dimension. Now the Church is a natural environment of Christian faith, therefore the act of faith is inseparably connected with her mediation. The paper unambiguously points to the personal being of the Church, including the personalization of the human person and of the Church in the Church. Contemporary ecclesiology stresses that the Church is a personal being. The Church should be regarded as a particular kind of personal existence, such that participates in the personal life of God. The Church carries out faith as a social whole. Her faith is the interpersonal relation of the Triune God and the community of Christians. It is therefore a personal reality, different from a simple sum of the acts of faith in individual believers. Faith cannot be identified with the deposit of the revealed truth. The individual and the Church participate in a common reality of faith, and through that they enrich each other. The dialogai character of the act of Christian faith permits a full personal development of man. Contemporary theology stresses that the faith in Christ leads to an ontic transformation of man. Participating in the Event of Jesus Christ, man becomes a participant of Divine nature - man resembles God. It seems correct to assume the principle of simultaneous personalization: individuals are personalized by the faith of the Church and Ecclesia by the faith of an individual.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland wiarywiaraakt wiary chrześcijańskiejwiara chrześcijańskachrześcijaństwopersonalizmKościółeklezjologiabytbyt osobowy Kościołaact of faithfaithact of Christian faithChristian faithChristianitypersonalismChurchecclesiologybeingpersonal existence of the ChurchEklezjalny wymiar aktu wiary chrześcijańskiej i jego personalizujące znaczenieThe ecclesial dimension of the act of christian faith and its personalizing meaningArticle