Kroczek, Piotr2023-02-022023-02-022012Polonia Sacra, 2012, R. 16 (34), Nr 30 (74), s. 199-212.1428-5673 recent years one can observe in Poland the increasing numbers of investments of the churchyard crosses, roadside shrines, memorials, or plaques, that is, the objects of so-called „small sacred architecture”. The article presents the current Polish and Church law that regulate the matter. Observance of the norms from both systems of laws is required to avoid serious legal consequences, which can overshadow the noble intensions of originators. At the end of the paper, there are given some practical remarks and specific solutions, which can be of help for the persons who are responsible for the sacred architecture in a diocese.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland sakralnamała architekturaprawoprawo kanoniczneustawodawstwozabytkikościołyarchitecturesacred architecturestreet furniturelawcanon lawlegislationantiqueschurchessmall sacred architecturemała architektura sakralnaMała architektura sakralna w optyce prawa polskiego i kanonicznegoTownscape Elements in Optics of Polish State Law and Canon LawArticle