Kopiczko, Tomasz2024-11-272024-11-272020Studia Ełckie, 2020, T. 22, nr 4, s. 425-438.1896-68962353-1274https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/24425The analysis of the issue of school religion lessons, implemented in the distance learning system, allows for the formulation of the following conclusions. First, it should be remembered that the school religion class is part of catechesis. In Polish pastoral conditions, it can be said that it is even a valuable and important element of it. Secondly, while implementing remote teaching of religion lessons, the priority is still the goal and tasks of catechesis, which implement the care for mature faith. Thirdly, the teacher of religion (catechist) should be competent in the field of the latest information techniques, and at the same time should be faithful to the kerygma. Fourthly, a teacher of religion (catechist) should take care of independent preparation of classes, appropriate selection of content, cooperation with parents, as well as be systematic and consistent.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychcatechesisreligion lessonremote teachingkatechezalekcja religiinauczanie zdalnereligious educationedukacja religijnadydaktykadidacticskatechecicatechistskatechetykacatecheticsSzkolne lekcje religii w dobie zdalnego nauczaniaSchool Religion Lessons and Distance LearningArticle