Dobrzyński, Andrzej2024-02-272024-02-272010Analecta Cracoviensia, 2010, t. 42, s. 167-188.0209-0864 article shows that freedom of the Church was one of the fundamental values to defend in the communist countries in East-Central Europe and in Latin America as well. In spite of different political circumstances it was the same task and challenge to undertake for the Catholic Church. A comparison between John Paul II and Archbishop O. Romero from San Salvador is eloquent because of the situation of the Church in their home countries. Their controversial meeting held in the Vatican (May I'*', 1979), has been disscused in the study. It has been established that the version by Maria López Vigil, who was an advocate of the extreme views of theology of liberation, is not compatible with the testimony left in O. Romero’s writings. The true consensus between the Pope and the Archbishop was put into evidence. They understood well that freedom of the Church is very important to fulfill her mission in the world and for creating a democratic society.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandściółmisjamisja Kościoławolnośćwolność KościołaJan Paweł IIKarol WojtyłapapieżearcybiskupiOskar Romeroświęcimęczennicymęczeństwozamachyprześladowanie Kościołaprześladowania religijnekomunizmkonfliktyzimna wojnahistoriaXX w.nauczanieteologia wyzwoleniawyzwolenierewolucjainterpretacja faktówdziennikarstwodziennikarzeMarίa López VigiloskarżeniaapologiaChurchmissionmission of the Churchfreedomfreedom of the ChurchJohn Paul IIpopesarchbishopssaintsmartyrsmartyrdomassassinationspersecution of the Churchreligious persecutioncommunismconflictsCold Warhistoryteachingtheology of liberationliberationrevolutioninterpretation of factsjournalismjournalistsaccusationsapologiaeWolność Kościoła i jego misja. Jan Paweł II i abp Oskar RomeroThe Freedom and Mission of the Church. John Paul II and Archbishop Oscar RomeroArticle