Kieniewicz, Piotr H.2023-07-042023-07-042000Roczniki Teologiczne, 2000, T. 47, z. 3, s. 229-247.1233-1457 by Piotr H. Kieniewicz MIC.American moral thought has very specific place in moral theology, mostly because of the unique form of the American society. Well developed in last thirty years catholic social teaching in the United States seems to be an interesting voice in theological discussion on the shape of the just society. The main problem to be considered is the meaning of the common good. The key to it is the nature of the human being. It is crucial to see an individual not only as a social being, but also as a person, who has his or her own indispensable dignity based on the creation from the hand of God and salvation in Jesus Christ. American bishops issued a lot of pastoral letters and statements trying to participate in the national process of development of the just society, in which everyone has his or her own place. Issued in 1986 Pastoral (Economic Justice for All) started nation-wide discussion on the nature of a human being, a society and a relationship between them. Feature article shows a fragment of it, mainly the part concerning the dignity of the person and the problem of human rights in the teaching of American episcopate.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandśćgodność ludzkaprawa człowiekadobro wspólneKatolicka Nauka Społecznanauczanie społeczne KościołaEpiskopat USAkatolicki Episkopat USAStany ZjednoczoneUSAKościół amerykańskirodzinaobrona praw człowiekadignityhuman dignityhuman rightscommon goodUS EpiscopateCatholic Bishops of the USACatholic Episcopate of the USAUnited StatesAmerican Churchfamilydefence of human rightsKonferencja Katolickich Biskupów Stanów ZjednoczonychUnited States Conference of Catholic BishopsGodność osoby i prawa człowieka w kontekście dobra wspólnego w nauczaniu społecznym katolickiego Episkopatu USAThe dignity of the person and human rights in the context of common good in social teaching of the Catholic Episcopate of the United StatesArticle