Grzybek, Stanisław2022-12-152022-12-151988Częstochowskie Studia Teologiczne, 1987-1988, T. 15-16, s. 181-192.0137-4087 above article, entitled, „Influence of the Bible on the religious formation of the family”, consists of the introduction, conclusion and four main parts. Qusting references from documemts of Vatican II on the role and meaning of reading the Bible in general and especially, in the family, the Author emphasises the need of introducing the Bible into family life (note 1). Without acquaintance with it, there is no possibility of its influencie on the style and character of family life. There must therefore be a solemn enthronement of the Bible in the family and then daily, or at least regular, reading of it. It may be read together or individually by members of the family. The Bible should have a central position in th.e home. The Biblie will then become a source of faith in the family (note 2). The Author quotes numerous examples of various families in the Old and New Testament, where the families of Abraham, Moses, David and even the suffering and just Job, and the exiled Tobit. Reading the Bible also teaches love in the family. In it, the love of God was revealed to the Chosen Race in the Old Testament and in the New Testament the love of Christ was revealed to the great family of mankind (note 3). The Author quotes examples of many familics (eg. the family of Annah and Elcan, the parents of Samuel, the family of Tobit, Elizabeth and Zacharia, parents of John the Baptist, and especially the Ho]y Family of Nazareth), who, through reading the Bible, not only lcarned the lesson of love but also brought that love into their own life. Reading the Bible finally teaches the family authentic prayer (note 4). One can pray always, but the best way is by using the text of the Bible. Thus in the Old Testament the Psalma were the family and national prayer book. Christ and His Holy Mother also prayed by using Bible texts. Praying with the words of the Bible not ,only bring man closer to God, but also in a wonderful way unites him with God. The Author ends his article with a plea: let us never forget the Bible in the family, if we want to have Christian families living firmly with God.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland ŚwięteBibliaformacjaformacja religijnarodzinaKościółsobórsobór watykański IIdokumenty Kościołakonstytucjakonstytucje dogmatyczneKonstytucja dogmatyczna o KościelewiaramiłośćmodlitwawychowanieBibleformationreligious formationfamilyChurchcouncilVatican IISecond Vatican CouncilconstitutionfaithloveprayerupbringingNew TestamentNowy TestamentOld TestamentStary TestamentWpływ lektury Pisma Świętego na formację religijną rodzinyInfluence of the Bible on the religious formation of the familyArticle