Wojaczek, Krystian2024-01-162024-01-161990Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1990, T. 37, z. 6, s. 17-28.0035-7723http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/12426Tłumaczenie streszczenia Jan Kłos.The paper searches for theological criteria of selecting and according things taken from various empirical sciences which things are used in the pastoral care Tor married couples. Apart from that, it takes up the question of theological criteria of the selection of methods in the pastoral care for married couples. The dynamic character of the sacrament of matrimony is the criterium in both questions. The structure of such an approach to the sacrament of matrimony allows us to categorize the relationship of marital love into a static element (establishing a marital covenant) and dynamic elements (expressing the love of the word, gestures and behaviour of the couple towards one another along with sexual intercourse). The dynamic elements of the token of marital love are described by such sciences as psychology, pedagogy, biology or medicine. A proper functioning of marriage is conditioned by taking into advantage the outcome of those sciences in developing the dynamic elements of the sacrament of matrimony. It also conditions, to some extent, the very sacrament. That is why the sacramental character of matrimony becomes a criterium how to select those things that we want to bring to mind in the pastoral care for married couples. It also constitutes the basis of connecting those things in an integrated description of the relation between a husband and wife.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/teologiatheologyteologia pastoralnapastoral theologyduszpasterstwoministryduszpasterstwo małżeństwpastoral care for married couplesmałżeństwomarriagesakramentysacramentssakramentalnośćsacramentalitysakramentalność małżeństwasacramentality of marriageorganizacja duszpasterstwa małżeństworganisation of pastoral care for married couplesduszpasterstwo rodzinpastoral care for familiesSakramentalność małżeństwa jako podstawa organizacji duszpasterstwa małżeństwThe Sacramental Character of Matrimony as the Foundation of the Organization of the Pastoral Care for Married CouplesArticle