Perszon, Jan2023-05-172023-05-171999Roczniki Teologiczne, 1999, T. 46, z. 2, s. 125-138.1233-1457 by Jan Perszon.The presented article describes the customs concerned with the prefunerary rosary devotion practiced by Kashubs. In the days between death and funeral the people gather every evening to say a rosary for repose of the soul of the dead person. On the first two evenings there participate only relatives and people from direct neighbourhood, but to the last gathering, named „pusta noc” comes all the village. In this practice the most important person is a leader, who presides in every out-of-church religious activity. The presiding person has in local community particular authority and respect. In some villages before the rosary people sing one of the popular marion songs, afterwards but the traditional Salve, Regina and Dobry Jezu, a nasz Panie. The older generation beliefs, that the soul of the dead person is present by „his" or „her” body, until it is buried. Therefore prayers of the living society are most powerfull not after, but before the funeral. The mourning rosary plays in Kashubian society an essential role, because it articulates a mutual Christian solidarity in the face of death. Furthermore, it reinforces relationships in community, and helps „to get through” the crisis effected by invasion of death. In the last few years the described customs participate in the process of transformation. One can observe a strong (and destructive) influence of the „hospital death” Another important factor changing the traditional way of mourning in Kashub society is a construction of the parochial funeral chapels.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandóżaniecróżaniec żałobnyKaszubyobrzędyobrzędy pogrzeboweobrzędowość pogrzebowanabożeństwanabożeństwo różańcowefuneral rosaryrosaryKashubiaritesfuneral ritesreligious servicesrosary servicepogrzebyfuneralsśmierćdeathpobożność ludowapopular pietyżałobamourningbereavementbadania etnograficzneethnographic researchnabożeństwa przedpogrzebowepre-funeral servicesobyczajowość funeralnafunerary customsRóżaniec żałobny na KaszubachThe mourning rosary in the Kashub regionArticle