Tomkiewicz, Antoni2023-10-202023-10-202004Roczniki Teologiczne, 2004, T. 51, z. 10, s. 57-74.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.Marriage and family, as a community of life and love, actualize the basic moral, religious and cultural values in the life of the people of which they consist. In order to function properly, the community should have the proper structure, which, in turn, creates a possibility of actualizing institutional and personal functions of the marriage and family. The article discusses only some of the structural functions and selected functions of marriage and family. First of all the significance of marriage and the importance of its unity, stability and indissolubility in the life of the family is discussed. Similarly, the basic functions of marriage and family are discussed. The procreative and protective-educational functions are numbered among them. Two aspects of the structure and function of marriage and family are pointed to: threats and hopes.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland rodzinypłciowośćjednośćtrwałośćnierozerwalność małżeństwafunkcja prokreacyjnafunkcja opiekuńczo-wychowawczafunkcje małżeństwafunkcje rodzinyrodzinamałżeństwozagrożenienadziejastruktura małżeństwafamily structuresexualityunityseksualnośćstabilityindissolubility of marriageprocreative functionprotective-educational functionfunctions of marriagefunctions of familyfamilymarriagedangerhopestructure of marriageStruktura i funkcje małżeństwa i rodziny ‒ zagrożenia i nadziejeThe Structure and Function of Marriage and Family ‒ Threats and HopesArticle