Bender, Agnieszka2025-02-142025-02-142011Liturgia Sacra, 2011, R. 17, nr 2 (38)1234-4214 Poland’s tumultuous history, rich and sometimes outstanding collections of liturgical vestments remain in churches and museums. Of world renown is the, now scattered, largest collection of medieval paraments found in a walled-up chapel in Saint Mary’s Church in Gdansk. The number and diversity of 17th century Italian patterned silk fabrics used to make chasubles in Poland is greater than such collections in Italy itself. The most diverse and best preserved are the liturgical vestments from the 18th century. These works demonstrate the phenomenon of meeting and even blending together of influences and inspirations from the West and the East, seen both in the techniques used and in the means of decoration. Damask from Lyon was commonly used to make liturgical vestments along with Turkish and Persian fabrics. Paraments made of re-used kontush (Polish noblemen’s outer garment) sashes constitute a separate group of objects. A large group of embroidered vestments as well as unique chasubles made from tapestries are also noteworthy.plCC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkachsztukaarthistoria sztukiart historysztuka sakralnasacred artszaty liturgiczneliturgical vestmentsXVIII w.muzealnictwomuseologymuzea kościelnechurch museumsmuzea diecezjalnediocesan museumsmuzea w Polscemuseums in PolandSzaty liturgiczne to też dzieła sztuki. Wybrane przykłady z XVIII wieku w polskich zbiorachLiturgical Vestments as Works of Art. Selected 18th Century Examples from Polish CollectionsArticle