Karbownik, Henryk2023-12-192023-12-191988Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1988, T. 35, z. 5, s. 63-82.0035-7723http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/12126Tłumaczenie streszczenia Jan Kłos.After the creation of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw in 1807, French legislation was introduced in it, and along with this legislation the registries whose management was in charge of parish priests. In 1809 a decree was issued. It contained a fixed rate of fees which were supposed to be paid to the clerk of a registry for his office work. If a religious service was connected with this work, then a parish pariest took half of the fee fixed for civil work, because he performed this service. The fixed rate of fees was not eagerly charged by the religious clergy, because it did not embrace all kinds of religious service; thus a new rate was worked out and declared in 1818 at the time o f Polish Kingdom. It embraced only religious services, hence the rate of 1809 was still valid. In the 1850s the Russian government set to work out a new rate, bishops would send their projects, but the government stopped at confirming the operative rates of 1809 and 1818, and nothing changed in this matter until the end of the period in question.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/historiahistoryprawolawprawo kanonicznecanon lawhistoria prawa kanonicznegohistory of canon lawofiarasacrificeiura stolaeofiary iura stolaeopłaty za posługi religijnefees for religious servicesbezpłatność posług religijnychfree religious servicesKsięstwo WarszawskieDuchy of WarsawKrólestwo PolskieKingdom of PolandPolskaPolanddochodyincomekapłaniclergyduchowieństwopriesthoodSprawa opłat iura stolae w Księstwie Warszawskim i Królestwie Polskim w latach 1807-1914The problem of iura stolae fees in the Grand Duchy of Warsaw and Polish Kingdom in the period of 1807-1914Article