Sobczak, Piotr2024-04-262024-04-262005Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2005, T. 24, cz. 2, s. 133-146.0239-4472 article comprises a new look at conception of experiencing God in St Thomas of Akwin and Joseph Tischner’s philosophy. Let us consider the matter. Tischner in Filozofia dramatu claims that the only way to open a man to God is “a face“ of another man. This statement started a view that Tischner’s philosophy identifies the cognition of God through meeting another man who has dominated the interpretation of his concept. However, on the basis of Tischner’s texts’ analyses we can put a thesis that his philosophy was in statu fieri. So, studying his conception is an open issue as well as experiencing God. In the relation to St Thomas’s philosophy the problem is as follows. The contemporary Thomas’s philosophy extinguishes a two-grade structure of the cognition of God; natural cognition and supernatural cognition within which there are three types of cognition (through faith , mystical and visio beatifica). From the philosophical point of view we are interested in ab homine viatore cognition of God and that is why the theological issue visio beatifica is omitted. The essence of the problem is a conviction that on the basis of Akwinata philosophy a man reaches God by a process of deduction that is by a logical concluding based on some accepted system assumptions (adequatio cum systemate). Based on the above analyses we claim that this is Tischner who accepts three types of experiencing God; firstly through the trace of God, secondly through direct intuition and thirdly through events (happiness and unhappiness). Whereas St Thomas assumes natural and supernatural cognition of God, but when recognized through grace it exists as a special cognition, i. e. cognition which call an experience.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Józefa Tischnerapoznaniepoznanie afektywnepoznanie doświadczalnekontemplacjafilozofia dramatudoświadczeniedoświadczenie BogadrogaBógparadygmatparadygmat doświadczenia BogaTomasz z AkwinuJózef TischnerphilosophyJoseph Tischner's philosophycognitionaffective cognitionexperiential cognitioncontemplationphilosophy of dramaexperienceexperience of GodwayGodparadigmparadigm of experience of GodThomas AquinasJoseph Tischnerdoktorzy KościołaDoctors of the Church„Drogi” Boga. Paradygmat doświadczenia Boga w ujęciu św. Tomasza z Akwinu i J. TischneraThe Ways of God. Paradigm of experience of God in St Thomas and Joseph Tischner’s depictionArticle