Rynio, Alina2023-12-132023-12-132006Roczniki Teologiczne, 2006, T. 53, z. 10, s. 61-78.1233-1457http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/12012The presented sources and manifestations of the timeless topicality of the Pope’s vision of upbringing unveil its integral formulation. First of all, it is visible in its, infiltrated by faith, anthropological reflection on human being. It this reflection the integral perception of man is a condition of the integral upbringing. The analysis provided confirms the thesis that the Pope’s pedagogy has at its roots „the adequate anthropology” and the openness of the person’s heart towards the objective truth, including the truth about Jesus Christ who is the „center of the cosmos and history” (RH) and a foundation of the truth about man. Having its anthropological foundation, the Pope’s pedagogy is an attractive one, as it allows to work out a comprehensive vision of upbringing, suitable for the present day. This vision defies the culture of despair and hopelessness, dehumanization, nihilism, existential cynicism and axiological relativism. In this vision science, technology and art, peace and justice, the knowledge of God and the true religion, nature and the grace of God, faith, hope and love - they do not exclude but complement each other. The timeless attractiveness of the Papal pedagogical message seems to reside in the fact that while having as its foundation the compatibility and completeness of man’s picture, it allows to think over the complex issue of upbringing and the personal history of creating the personality of exceptional people. It also allows to bow down before the Catholic interpretation of upbringing and the human lot.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/Jan Paweł IIKarol Wojtyłapapieżekapłaniduchowieństwowychowanieistota wychowaniaintegralność wychowanianowość wychowaniaczytelność wychowaniaatrakcyjność wychowaniametodykametodyka wychowaniakonkretność wychowaniawspólnotowość wychowaniaaktualność wychowaniateologiczno-antropologiczne źródła wychowaniaźródła wychowaniateologiaantropologiateologiczne źródła wychowaniaantropologiczne źródła wychowaniaJohn Paul IIpopesclergypriesthoodupbringingessence of upbringingintegrity of upbringingnewness of upbringingclarity of upbringingattractiveness of upbringingmethodicsmetodologiamethodologyeducation methodologyconcreteness of upbringingcommunity of upbringingrelevance of upbringingtheological-anthropological sources of upbringingsources of upbringingtheologyanthropologytheological sources of upbringinganthropological sources of upbringingatrakcyjnośćattractivenessprzesłaniemessageprzesłanie pedagogicznepedagogical messagepedagogikapedagogypedagogiczne przesłanie Jana Pawła IIpedagogical message of John Paul IItopicality of upbringingAtrakcyjność pedagogicznego przesłania Jana Pawła IIPedagogical Attractiveness of John Paul II’s MessageArticle