Broński, Włodzimierz2023-07-242023-07-242001Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001, T. 48, z. 6, s. 203-224.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.The study seeks to give an answer to what extent the teaching of the contemporary Church on the liturgy as a source of homilies is carried out in the Sunday preaching lor adults of the “Preacher’s Library” and “The Contemporary Pulpit”. The problem stated here has been solved by showing first the instructions of the Church on the topic in question, and the issues of their practical realization in 405 homilies for adults of the “Preacher's Library” and 219 homilies of the “Contemporary Pulpit”. This source material has been selected with regard to its considerable temporal gap and a large number of homilies. The selection was randomized, with respect to the requirements of sociological research. Then on the basis of an analysis of the source materials the reception of the teaching of the contemporary Church on the liturgy as a source of homilies was evaluaied. Eventually, some homiletic postulations have been formulated.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland nauczania Kościoła o homiliihomilialiturgiakazaniakaznodziejstwoMagisterium Kościołaprzepowiadanieprzepowiadanie Słowa BożegoniedzieladorośliBiblioteka KaznodziejskaWspółczesna Ambonareception of the teaching of Church on homilyhomilyliturgysermonspreachingpreaching the Word of GodSundayadultsPreacher’s LibraryContemporary PulpitMagisterium Kościołanauczanie KościołaChurch teachingRecepcja nauczania Kościoła współczesnego na temat liturgii jako źródła homilii w przepowiadaniu niedzielnym dla dorosłych „Biblioteki Kaznodziejskiej” i „Współczesnej Ambony”The Reception of the Teaching of the Contemporary Church on the Liturgy as a Source of Homilies in the Sunday Preaching for Adults of the “Preacher’s Library” and “The Contemporary Pulpit”Article