Drączkowski, Franciszek2024-10-162024-10-1620071644-85612451-280Xhttps://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/21935n analyzing the writings of Clement of Alexandria, the autbor of the article states that the priestly ideal is in them in essence close to the ideal of holiness and perfection, typical of Christians called Gnostics. That is why in the formation and priestly work, Clement treats with priority the perfect knowledge of Sacred Scripture and Apostolic and Church Tradition, life in accord with the Gospel and the teaching ministry in the Church of Christ ‒ typical traits for the Christian-Gnostic. Taking into consideration the w hole ecclesiology of the Alexandrian, one can say that he distinguished two parallel hierarchies in the Church: the hierarchy of perfection and the hierarchy of office. The scope of both these hierarchies could, but did not have to link together. In the Church, Clement gave a greater place to the hierarchy ofperfection (related with Gnosticism) because its scope was much broader thail the other. From the group of Gnostics, only some received offices for service in the Church.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychideał kapłaństwakapłaństwopisma Klemensa AleksandryjskiegoKlemens Aleksandryjskiojcowie KościołagnostycygnozagnostycyzmKościółeklezjologiaeklezjologia Klemensa Aleksandryjskiegopatrystykaideal of priesthoodpriesthoodClement of Alexandria’s writingsClement of AlexandriaChurch FathersgnosticsgnosisgnosticismChurchecclesiologyClement of Alexandria’s ecclesiologypatristicsIdeał kapłaństwa w pismach Klemensa AleksandryjskiegoArticle