Majewski, MarcinSzmajdziński, Mariusz2022-10-102022-10-102015Gloriam praecedit humilitas, 2015, s. 391-414.978-83-65209-12-2 is my next paper about impurity in the Hebrew Bible. In the previous papers, I discussed the legislation about dietary laws (clean and unclean animals) and impurity of death in the Torah. In this paper I examine impurity of sex. In each of these cases I propose my own hypothesis about the criterion for these cultic exclusions. The thesis is that the laws of impurity in the Bible are related to the paradigm of creation in Genesis 1 and the ideas contained therein. If the worship of the Lord in the Tabernacle has to reproduce an exemplary, paradisiac situation of man’s encounter with God, each impurity constitutes a transgression of Eden’s ideal order. Therefore, it cannot be tolerated in the sphere of worship.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 PolandśćczystośćczystynieczystysekswspółżycieKodeks Kapłański (P)stworzeniecielesnośćseksualnośćtabuBibliaPismo ŚwięteStary TestamentTalmudrytualna nieczystośćmałżeństwomoralnośćgrzechprostytucja sakralnakulty pogańskieantropologiaprawo starożytneIzraelimpuritypuritycleanuncleansexintercoursePriestly Code (P)creationcarnalitysexualitytabooBibleOld Testamentritual impuritymarriagemoralitysintemple prostitutionpagan cultsanthropologyancient lawIsraelprawolawźródło kapłańskiepriestly sourceNieczystość seksu – biblijne zakazy dotyczące życia płciowegoImpurity of sex. Biblical prohibitions on sexual lifeArticle