Nowak, Józef2023-09-262023-09-262003Roczniki Teologiczne, 2003, T. 50, z. 9, s. 123-138.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by H. Grygielska-Michalak.The sources on which the present article is based are results of ethnographic field studies conducted by the author in the years 1995-2001 in 64 localities of south-eastern area of Zamość district. 314 persons provided the information. 346 interviews were made with them in the period of 312 days. Besides, the literature pertaining to the problem was consulted in order to analyse the subject. The purpose of the paper is to present the features connected with the cult of the Virgin Mary that appear during the period of Advent, and to point to their significance in traditional religiosity. The first part discusses those elements of this cult that are recalled by traditional piety during everyday prayers, canonical hours, early morning services celebrated in Advent, religious songs, penitential practices, collective saying the rosary at neighbourhood meetings on the early days of Advent. The figure of the Virgin Mary was also associated with the respect shown for the land, which was expressed in forbidding work in the field in late autumn and in winter. The second part of the paper discusses the beliefs and customs connected with the celebration of Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (8 December). Christmas Eve is the last day of Advent. The elements devoted to the cult of the Virgin Mary appear both during preparations for the ceremonial supper, and in the Christmas carols sung after it.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland tomaszowskiMaryjaAdwentMatka Bożakulturapobożnośćkultura ludowapobożność ludowarytuaływierzeniapobożność maryjnakultkult maryjnyMaryAdventMother of GodVirgin MaryMaryja Dziewicaculturepietyfolk cultureritualsbeliefsMarian devotioncult of MarycultTomaszów regionpopular pietyAdwentowe praktyki i wierzenia maryjne w pobożności ludowej mieszkańców regionu tomaszowskiegoAdvent Practices and Beliefs Devoted to the Cult of the Virgin Mary in Folk Piety Among the Inhabitants of the Tomaszów RegionArticle