Sienkiewicz, Edward2022-08-092022-08-092010Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2010, nr 2, s. 101-122.1731-0555 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Mirosława Landowska.Every criticism demands freedom space. Church is trying to manage this space, referring to the social structures and social solutions, which implies a social engagement of theology, also asked about the possibility and need for reflection of the faith on politics, understood as a concern for the social dimension of human life. This reflection of the faith is first and foremost a correction in understanding of democracy, which theology wants to see as a commitment to serving the absolute nature of truth and connecting people because of their principles, values, not because of the interests of larger or smaller groups. Democracy must therefore be constantly referenced to religion, which is reflected in the primacy of ethics over politics in the social commitment of a man. That’s why the state, which is based on human nature, belonging to the order established by God, can not be outside the interest in theology, which is claiming the right to criticize government policy, to avoid it transformed into a man manipulating ideology. The task of the Church is, therefore, the proclamation of the Kingdom of God, thereby protecting human against poorly located hopes, and restrict him only to the temporal dimension. The prophetic role of the Catholic theology does not fulfill in separation, or opposing each other the temporal and eschatological orders, but by the pursuit of their penetration in every human person. Just as in Jesus Christ as the center of all Christian theology, exist in one person two natures, not mixed and does not identify with each other.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 PolandściółspołeczeństwokrytykateologiapolitykaKatolicka Nauka Społecznanauczanie społeczne KościołademokracjatotalitaryzmChurchsocietytheologypoliticsdemocracycriticismchrześcijaństwoChristianityKrytyczna funkcja Kościoła wobec instytucji i rozwiązań społecznychA critical function of the Church to the institutions and social solutionsArticle