Małek, Michał2023-03-082023-03-082012Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2012, t. 8, s. 141-183.1643-4870 aneks.The author of the article is showing, that all chronic disease is conditioning sick young people for providing them with the special religious education. If illness requires it, an application of special individualized action towards pupils is essential. It is also necessary to embrace with them their surrounding. The author of the article is putting the following conclusions: religious education action directed at chronically ill young people should demonstrate the significant level of the individuation; the religion instruction teacher should cooperate with surrounding of the sick person, particularly a family, but also teachers, doctors and with the class of the sick person, provided he is attending one; the religion instruction teacher should be driven by empathy with the sick person and have a special preparation; the religion instruction teacher should create the special bond with the ill pupil and his surrounding going beyond the framework of the class unit; chronically ill young people should be, if a medical condition permits, actively included into life of religious community and the class, according to preserving principles of the normalization. In relations with chronically ill apart from the substantial preparation in the fields of theology, catechetic, special needs education and other, tact, real empathy are essential, and more than anything else sincere concern for the good catechize.plAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandłodzieżchorzybadaniabadania ankietowecierpieniehospicjaedukacjaopiekacatechesisyouthsickresearchsurvey researchsufferinghospiceseducationcareankietaquestionnaireSpecyfika katechezy młodzieży przewlekle chorej w oparciu o własne badania ankietoweSpecificity of religious education of the chronically ill young people based on the own questionnaire surveyArticle