Ferdek, Bogdan2024-07-262024-07-262001Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2001, R. 9, Nr 1, s. 39-55.1231-1731http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/18375In times of special controversies in regard to the truths of faith the Church always used to announce some updated forms of faith. These Credos draw our attention to the articles of faith that are in danger of being neglected. As is plain to see, the Vatican declaration Dominus Iesus has a clear structure of such a Credo. We find there a formula „it is to be firmly believed” repeated eight times. The declaration was meant to be a modern Credo in the time of the Great Jubilee, a Credo wich proclaims that Jesus is Lord. To this purpose another fomula – one God, one Christ, one Church – is obviously a chosen means. The Vatican declaration stays against any attempt to break the unity of those notions, mentioned already in the Nicean-Constantinople Credo.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/Dominus Iesusdokumenty KościołaDeklaracja Kongregacji Nauki Wiary Dominus IesusKościółwiarawyznanie wiaryprawdy wiarychrześcijaństworeligiateologia religiiobjawieniezbawienieZbawicielJezus Chrystusjedność Kościołajedyność KościołaŚwiatowa Rada KościołówKościoły chrześcijańskieChurch documentsDeclaration of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Dominus IesusChurchfaithconfession of faithtruths of faithChristianityreligiontheology of religionrevelationsalvationSaviourJesus Christsingularity of the ChurchWorld Council of ChurchesChristian ChurchesChurch unityteologiatheologyDeklaracja „Dominus Iesus” jako współczesne wyznanie wiaryThe Declaration “Dominus Iesus” as a Contemporary CredoArticle