Siwak, Wacław2022-10-182022-10-182011Premislia Christiana, 2010-2011, T. 14, s. 225-243.0867-308 this study the author makes an effort to present the theology of the picture of the Miraculous Medal, also known as the Medal of the Immaculate Conception through the prism of the sign category. In this perspective, the picture itself is an outward sign of inward devotion to Mary, and a sign of her motherly care. The symbolism of individual pictures on the Miraculous Medal expresses the foliowing theological content: the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (the Woman crushing the serpenfs head, the inscription on the perimeter, the twelve stars); Mary’s Divine Motherhood and her participation in the work of human salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ her Son (the Woman who crushes the serpent’s head, a large letter “M” surmounted by a cross, the stylized flaming Sacred Heart of Jesus crowned with thoms and Immaculate Heart of Mary pierced with a sword); Mary’s Maternal Mediation (the rays coming out of the hands, the letter “M” under the cross); the Royal Dignity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her universal motherhood (twelve stars).plAttribution 3.0 Poland systematycznateologiateologia wizerunkumedalikCudowny MedalikAkcja KatolickakatolicyzmMaryjaapostolstwosakramentysymbolikasymbolsign theologyMiraculous MedalMaksymilian Maria KolbeSaint MaximilianCatholic ActiontheologyCatholicismMarysacramentsUmocnieni znakiem cudownego medalika w apostolskim posługiwaniu z teologii wizerunkuStrenghtened by the Sign ofthe Miraculous Medal in the Apostolic Ministry. From the Image TheologyArticle