Morciniec, Piotr2024-07-032024-07-032000Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2000, T. 20, s. 245-255.83-88071-38-6łumaczenie streszczenia: Katarzyna Wanke.The paper deals with the problem of medical experiments on people. First, the author presents the requirements to be satisfied to make the actions ethically admissible. The next question to be settled is if it is fair to use the results of unethical experiments. Analysing the problem the author concentrates mainly on the investigations of D.G. Jones who examined, among others, the consequences of following the reasoning of complicity in the evil and the effects of rejecting the results acquired in unethical way. "Results of experiments" are understood in the paper both as the new medical knowledge and specimens of the human tissue produced in the process of trials.plAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandśćeksperymenteksperymenty nieetyczneetykamoralnośćeksperymenty na ludziachwymogi etyczne stawiane eksperymentom na ludziachkorzystanie z wyników eksperymentów nieetycznychwyniki eksperymentów nieetycznychgodziwość korzystania z wyników eksperymentów nieetycznychequitablenessexperimentunethical experimentsethicsmoralityexperiments on humansethical requirements for experiments on humansusing the results of unethical experimentsresults of unethical experimentsequitableness of using the results of unethical experimentsProblem godziwości korzystania z wyników nieetycznych eksperymentówThe Problem of Justice in Using the Results of Unethical ExperimentsArticle