Nowak, Dominik2023-05-152023-05-152011Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2011, T. 3, s. 235-250.2081-8416 research of Hag Hammadi writings in terms of their interest in the figure of John the Baptist leds to the conclusion that it is attributed to him important role, even if it is not mentioned by name and the fact that the letter refers to his person, provide only indirect references. In presenting the person of John the authors of works from Nag Hammadi are based primarily on selected parts of the evangelical tradition, nevertheless, in some cases also they relate to other paragraphs from the Old and the New Testament. It should be noted, however, that these writings, but refer to the historic core, it also make far-reaching transformation of messages about John. Some fragments play an important role in this respect gnostic and gnostic-christian ideas.plAttribution 3.0 Poland ChrzcicielNag Hammadibiblioteka z Nag HammadibibliotekirękopisymanuskryptyBibliaPismo Święteteksty pozabiblijnepseudoepigrafyapokryfliteratura apokryficznaEwangelie apokryficzneEwangelia TomaszaEwangelia Filipaapokryficzny List JakubaEgzegeza o duszyDruga nauka Wielkiego SetaŚwiadectwo prawdyTraktat walentyniańskiJohn the BaptistNag Hammadi librarylibrariesmanuscriptsBiblepseudepigraphaapocryphaapocryphal literatureapocryphal gospelApocryphal GospelsGospel of ThomasGospel of PhilipliteraturaliteratureRecepcja postaci Jana Chrzciciela w pismach biblioteki z Nag HammadiThe Reception of the Person John's the Baptist in the Writings from Nag Hammadi LibraryArticle