Szamocki, Grzegorz2025-01-242025-01-242003Studia Gdańskie, 2002-2003, T. 15-16, s. 19-26. present article looks at the problem of the geographical information concerning the activity of John the Baptist, and its interpretation. The expression „in Bethany beyond the Jordan” (Joh 1,28) does not cause a problem if we take the name Bethany as „House of the boat” (as from bêt ŏnijjāh and not bêt ănijjāh). John the Baptist was active in that place „beyond the Jordan” where once Moses addressed to all Israel his last speech (Deut 1,1-5). The situation of the people who came to John corresponds to that of the Israelites before their passing through the Jordan to the Promised Land. After the death of Moses, Joshua guided the Israelites across the river. John baptised Jesus, and Jesus leads the people to the new Promised Land.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychBibliaPismo ŚwięteNowy Testamentteksty biblijnepostaci biblijneJan Chrzcicielmiejsce działalności Jana ChrzcicielaEwangeliaEwangelie synoptyczneBetaniaJordan rzekageografia biblijnaegzegezaegzegeza biblijnabiblistykaBibleNew Testamentbiblical textsbiblical charactersJohn the BaptistJohn the Baptist's place of activityGospelsynoptic GospelsBethanyJordan Riverbiblical geographyexegesisbiblical exegesisbiblical studies„W Betanii, po drugiej stronie Jordanu” (J 1,28): Miejsce działalności Jana ChrzcicielaArticle