Pindel, Roman2024-02-282024-02-282011Analecta Cracoviensia, 2011, t. 43, s. 237-258.0209-0864 article contains the analysis of the message of three texts of the Acts (9: 1-19; 22: 3-21; 26: 12-19) and its Wirkungsgeschichte. The whole history of Polish literature knows only five poets who were inspired by the text of Saul’s conversion. All of them published their poems in the second half of the 20th century. The Damascus road experience and Saul’s call was described by Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, Roman Brandstaetter, Anna Kamieńska, Janusz St. Pasierb and Jan Turnau. The common theme is Saul’s conversion but each of poet pays attention to another aspect of apostle’s change.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland BibliiBibliaPismo ŚwięteNowy TestamentSzawełPaweł z TarsuapostołowieDzieje ApostolskieDzpoezjapoecipoezja polskaliteratura polskaWirkungsgeschichterecepcja tekstunawrócenie św. PawłaKazimiera Iłłakowiczównamotywy religijnepoezja religijnaRoman BrandstaetterAnna KamieńskaJanusz Stanisław PasierbJan Turnauinterpretationinterpretation of the BibleBibleNew TestamentPaul the ApostleSaul of TarsusapostlesActs of the ApostlespoetrypoetsPolish poetryPolish literaturereception of the textconversion of Saint Paulreligious motifsreligious poetryJak współcześni poeci polscy interpretują nawrócenie Szawła? Narracja Dziejów Apostolskich i WirkungsgeschichteHow do the Polish Poets Interpret the Saul‘S Conversion? Acts 9: 1-19; 22: 3-21; 26: 12-19 and Its WirkungsgeschichteArticle