Kieniewicz, Piotr H.2023-08-292023-08-292002Roczniki Teologiczne, 2002, T. 49, z. 3, s. 155-171.1233-1457ścił / Summarized by Piotr H. Kieniewicz MIC.The teaching on peace by the American Episcopate is not well known in Poland. The author presents some points of their developments to show the practical connotations between the idea of the common good and the peace, which is one of the three elements of it. Peace should be based on values - such as the dignity of the human person, not just some political agreements or economical reasons. Accordingly, it is not the sufficient argument to say, that a given way to the peace is an effective one - first of all it has to be just.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland wspólnepokójnauczanie społeczne KościołaStany ZjednoczoneUSAbezpieczeństwobiskupikapłaniduchowieństwobiskupi amerykańscycommon goodpeaceUnited StatessafetybishopsclergypriesthoodAmerican bishopsEpiskopat AmerykańskiAmerican Episcopatesocial teaching of the ChurchPokój i bezpieczeństwo w kontekście dobra wspólnego w nauczaniu biskupów amerykańskichThe Peace and Safekeeping in the Context of the Common Good. The Teaching of the American EpiscopateArticle