Jeziorski, Sławomir2024-06-042024-06-042017Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2017, T. 36, cz. 2, s. 61-74.0239-4472ł w języku włoskim.The Sentences of Peter Lombard had a big influence on medieval theological thought. So, Lombard’s definition of the sacrament is not without meaning for theology. This article is an attempt to explain the concept that became a basis of systematisation of the seven sacrament of the Catholic Church. For this reason, the article begins with the historical-cultural context of Lombard’s ideas. On this landscape, the definition of a sacrament is examined, starting with literal analysis along with theological insights. The theological explanations contains a description of sign, causality, similarity and form of sacrament.itAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland LombardoliturgiasacramentosomiglianzasegnocausalitàPeter Lombardliturgysacramentssimilaritycausalityformdefinicja liturgiisakramentypodobieństwoprzyczynowośćformateologiatheologyhistoriahistorykulturacultureznaksignLa definizione di sacramento in pensiero di Pietro LombardoThe Definition of “Sacrament” in Peter Lombard’s ThoughtArticle