Szlachta, Daniel2023-02-062023-02-062015Veritati et Caritati, 2015, T. 4, s. 389-418.2354-0311 “From the Earth” is a periodical appearing since 1984 to the present day. It is published by “Saint Jack’s Bookstore”. One of its aims, i.a, is the presentation of the history of the Diocese of Katowice in a very broad context. So far many articles on this subject taking into account the situation of the Church in this area have appeared. Therefore, the calendar presents the history of the various institutions Summary: Calendar “From the Earth” is a periodical appearing since 1984 to the present day. It is published by “Saint Jack’s Bookstore”. One of its aims, i.a, is the presentation of the history of the Diocese of Katowice in a very broad context. So far many articles on this subject taking into account the situation of the Church in this area have appeared. Therefore, the calendar presents the history of the various institutions crucial to/influential for the functioning of the diocese, such as the Metropolitan Curia, Higher Silesian Theological Seminary leading charity (Caritas Archdiocese of Katowice), as well as publishing and media (Sunday Visitor, Bookstore St. Hyacinth). Besides, it presents important events in the life of the diocese such as the exile of the bishops from the Diocese or Diocesan Synod. There are also some examples to show activity of religious congregations in the diocese of Katowice for the functioning of the diocese, such as the Metropolitan Curia, Higher Silesian Theological Seminary leading charity (Caritas Archdiocese of Katowice), as well as publishing and media (Sunday Visitor, Bookstore St. Hyacinth). Besides, it presents important events in the life of the diocese such as the exile of the bishops from the Diocese or Diocesan Synod. There are also some examples to show activity of religious congregations in the diocese of Katowice.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandściółdiecezjehistoria KościołaGórny Śląskprasoznawstwodiecezja katowickakalendarzehistoryChurchdiocesesChurch historyUpper Silesiapress studiesdiocese of KatowicecalendarsZ dziejów Diecezji Katowickiej na łamach Śląskiego Kalendarza Katolickiego „Z tej ziemi”The History of Katowice Diocese in the Papers of Silesian Catholic Calendar: “From This Land”Article