Dec, Przemysław2023-05-162023-05-162016Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2015-2016, T. 7-8, s. 85-103.2081-8416 article is to present a couple Aramaic texts from Hermopolis and Elephantine. ese are family letters with A 2.1-7 signature found in two different settlements of Ancient Egypt. Some of them refer to a content already well known from the another Aramaic manuscripts from Ancient Egypt. The settlers of Hermopolis and Elephantine were then writing to their families and relatives asking for more clothes, wine bottles, and household items to be sent to their outposts. In addition, the article includes an analysis of the Aramaic language of these letters and a short commentary on some Aramaic lexemes.plAttribution 3.0 Poland rodzinne z HermopolisElefantynapapirusy z Elefantynyteksty aramejskie z Hermopolisskładnia języka aramejskiegomorfologia języka aramejskiegojęzyk aramejskilistypapirusyrękopisyEgiptodkrycia archeologicznespołeczeństwoŻydziosadnictwo żydowskiehistoriaepistolografiatłumaczeniaprzekładyHermopolis Family LettersElephantineElephantine PapyriAramaic texts from Hermopolissyntax of Aramaicmorphology of AramaicAramaicletterspapyrimanuscriptsEgyptarchaeological discoveriessocietyJewsJewish settlementshistoryepistolographytranslationsmanuskryptyKolekcja listów rodzinnych z Hermopolis i papirusy z Elefantyny. Przekład i komentarzHermopolis Family Letters from Hermopolis and the Elephantine Papyri. Translation and CommentaryArticle