Kaczorowski, Robert2025-02-032025-02-032009Studia Gdańskie, 2009, T. 24, s. 253-264.0137-4341https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/27172Zawiera tabelę.The article by Robert Kaczorowski depicts five so-called “Polish masses” (“Msze polskie”), which comes from the song-book published in 1871. In the 19th century in the Church of Poland this songs were very popular. They were sung instead of Latin songs and the Gregorian chant, which were difficult to understand and learn.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychMsza świętaliturgiapieśńpieśni mszalneKościółhistoriahistoria KościołaXIX w.liturgia trydenckaMsza polskamuzykamuzyka liturgicznaMassliturgyhymnMass hymnsChurchhistoryChurch historyTridentine liturgyPolish Massmusicliturgical musicMsze per annum (I-V) ze „Zbioru pieśni nabożnych katolickich do użytku kościelnego i domowego” opublikowanego w 1871 roku w PelplinieMasses per annum (I-V) from “The Collections of Pious Catholic Songs for the Church and Home Use” Published in 1871 in PelplinArticle